Based in Salt Lake city, Utah, JustStartGo is a blog by Drew Little. His posts explore business and productivity concepts that lead to a better, more balanced and profitable life. More about Drew.

The solution to reversing global warming

The solution to reversing global warming

I’m fascinated by the concept of global warming, not the science, or the debate over whether it’s man-made but individuals response to a potential apocalyptic event. Let’s establish the assumptions. The world will warm to the point where 200,000,000 people will be displaced, parts of the world will be uninhabitable AND the oceans will rise enough to flood major land masses. ALL of this will happen within 12 years.

For me, if we believe these assumptions, it seems like a big deal, one that we should take seriously and be willing to make significant changes in our lives to save the world. I am still thankful to Bruce Willis for giving up his life to save the planet from an astroid back in the 90’s. Now that is real sacrifice.

The Solution

I’d like to propose a simple solution that everyone can do within 60 days, which will totally reverse the output of carbon from the incineration of fossil fuels. It was critical for me to conceive of a plan that everyone can do and is accessible to EVERYONE.

Everyone immediately sell their gas cars, install solar panels and buy an electric car.

I’m guessing you think you can’t afford these, well you’re wrong and I’ll show you.

Here is the world-saving math.

For the record, 96% of Americans have a cell phone (81% of those are smart phones) and 73% have cable or satellite TV.

  1. Cancel you cell phone plan and eBay your smart phone. SAVINGS $100 per month. (you can get an old flip phone and use a prepaid plan for emergencies)

  2. Cancel your cable and fast speed internet. SAVINGS $150 per month. (you can get rabbit ears to watch TV for free, yes it’s a thing…and the local library and McDonald’s have free internet)

  3. Get a side-job for 10 hours a week. EARNINGS $400 per month.

  4. Buy a used Nissan Leaf. COST $15,000, or $250 per month. See cars for sale

  5. Install Telsa Solar panels through their loan program. COST $86 per month. See the loan program.

  6. Misc costs to install solar, deposit on the new car, etc. = COSTS $100 per month (first year)

The Plan Summary

New income generated = $650 per month

Planet saving solar/electric car purchase = $436 per month

DONE, you’ve got $214 to spare (you may want to install a wind turbine for backup.)

We did it, we saved the planet, Congratulations to everyone!

Instantly, if all drivers adopt this plan, carbon emissions will be reduced to the point of reversing global warming and we save the planet. You don’t even half to sacrifice your life, like Bruce did, HOWEVER, it may be a little inconvenient. But, if life is over as we know if in the next 12 years, it feels worth it.

PS: I drive an electric car and have a solar roof with backup batteries that charge my car at night

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